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Commercial Holidays are for Dummies. Don’t be a Dummy!

I am going out on a crazy crusade (probably by myself) against commercial holidays. What spurred this instant crusade was watching my 5th straight commercial in a 10 minute period about Father’s day cakes, Father’s day shirts, Father’s day cell phone sales, Father’s day car sales… the list went on. You may be asking yourself right now, why the hell are you watching commercials don’t you have a DVR? Yes, I do. But every show I would normally watch is on hiatus for several long and grueling months so now I am forced to watch the mindless drivel that fills the rest of my cable air space (i.e. whatever is on National Geographic channel right now).

Do you know how to tell if a holiday is more commercial than it is sentimental? I do.

I have come to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between the amount of TV commercials and the level of pointlessness that a certain holiday carries. How often do you ever see a commercial target birthdays? I rarely do. Maybe I have become more cynical in my older age (mid-30s) but I’m really bothered when I hear someone frantically stress over what they are going to buy their secretary for administrative assistants day. AHHH!

Instead of listing every holiday that I never plan to buy a gift for someone, I will just list the days that I will actually buy something: Your Birthday & New Years Day (champagne bottle).

With the exception of religious holidays like Hanukkah and Christmas, other holidays just should be observed, you don’t have to buy jack to show you care. Just observe it, the way it was meant to be. Don’t feel obligated to buy your dad another tie or iPad because 200 commercials tell you it’s the right thing to do.

Ok, rant over. Enjoy your gift cards.